V datech hry byl nalezen announcer, který by mohl napovídat příchodu Miry Han, Matta Hornera a možná i nové Starcraft mapy.
Starcraft hrdinů je ve hře opravdu velmi málo, takže by příchod alespoň jednoho nového přinesl velkou radost mnoha fanouškům této hry. Mapy sice byly ještě poměrně nedávno přidány dvě - Braxis Holdout a Warhead Junction, ale podle announceru by se mohla objevit další. Mohla by nést jméno Deadman's Stand. Nebo se jedná o okomentování nějaké stávající mapy?
VoiceOver/MiraA/Draft_Map00=Deadman's Stand
Mira Han
O Miře se spekuluje už velmi dlouho a vzniklo mnoho fanouškovských konceptů, jak by mohla vypadat. Koncepty byly samozřejmě dost odlišné, podle představy konkrétního autora. Ale většina se shodla v jedná věci - půjde o ranged warriora.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelectPlayer02=Double the Mira, double the fun! (laugh)
Matt Horner
Málo kdo ví, že Matt už ve hře je. Jen není vidět. Bývalý člen Raynor's Raiders je kapitánem lodi Hyperion, kterou si na svou pomoc povolává Jim Raynor. Tato informace by klidně mohla naznačit Raynorův rework. Ve hře neexistuje hrdina, za kterého můžete hrát, a zároveň by byl tak úzce spjatý s abilitou jiného hratelného hrdiny.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner00=Oh, you scoundrel! VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner01=Be still my heart. VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner02=You know just how to impress me, Matthew. VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner03=You incorrigible flirt.
Dva hrdinové v jednom?
Spousta lidí se teď hádá. Pokud Mira a Matt opravdu přijdou do Nexu - bude se jednat o dva různé hrdiny? Nebo se dočkáme hrdiny ve stylu The Lost Vikings nebo Cho'gall? Zkrátka, že by jeden hráč ovládal dva hrdiny najednou, nebo naopak by dva hráči ovládali "jedno tělo". Ještě je ve hře varianta, že by sice jeden hráč ovládal oba, ale postavy by se na bojišti nepotkali. Čili podobný případ jako Genn Greymane - člověk, který se mění v krvelačnou bestii.
Veškeré texty:
VoiceOver/MiraA/CastleAttackAlly00=Our core is under attack.
VoiceOver/MiraA/CastleAttackAlly01=They're on our core! Get them OFF it.
VoiceOver/MiraA/CastleAttackAlly02=Protect the core! You have no idea how much it costs!
VoiceOver/MiraA/CastleAttack_Blue00=Blue team's core is under attack.
VoiceOver/MiraA/CastleAttack_Red00=Red team's core is under attack.
VoiceOver/MiraA/Countdown10sec00=Ten seconds.
VoiceOver/MiraA/CountdownRemain00=Showtime starts in...
VoiceOver/MiraA/DoubleKill00=Double kill.
VoiceOver/MiraA/DoubleKill01=Double kill.
VoiceOver/MiraA/DoubleKill02=Double kill.
VoiceOver/MiraA/Draft_Map00=Deadman's Stand.
VoiceOver/MiraA/EndingLose01=We lost? I... I am VERY upset right now.
VoiceOver/MiraA/EndingLose02=This had better not affect my sterling reputation.
VoiceOver/MiraA/EndingLoseHorner00=At least you will always have me, Matthew!
VoiceOver/MiraA/EndingWin01=We make a wonderful team, you and I.
VoiceOver/MiraA/EndingWin02=A victory AND a paycheck? Love it.
VoiceOver/MiraA/EndingWinHorner00=Let us celebrate passionately, husband!
VoiceOver/MiraA/Ending_Blue00=Blue team is victorious. I knew it!
VoiceOver/MiraA/Ending_Red00=Red team is victorious. I knew it!
VoiceOver/MiraA/FirstBloodAlly00=First blood!
VoiceOver/MiraA/FirstBlood_Blue00=Blue team claims first blood.
VoiceOver/MiraA/FirstBlood_Red00=Red team claims first blood.
VoiceOver/MiraA/FourKill00=Quad kill.
VoiceOver/MiraA/GameStart00=Let the fun begin!
VoiceOver/MiraA/GameStart01=Show me what you can do!
VoiceOver/MiraA/GameStart02=Now, I want to see some fighting!
VoiceOver/MiraA/Gravestomp00=Enemy banished. Goodbye!
VoiceOver/MiraA/Gravestomp_Observer00=Hero banished.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill00=<laugh> Good one.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill01=This is what I live for!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill02=Nice kill!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill03=Clean and efficient.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill04=Well, they WERE in your way.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill05=It's just business.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill06=Ooh, my heart is all aflutter.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill07=Hero down.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKill08=Oh my.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner00=Oh, you scoundrel!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner01=Be still my heart.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner02=You know just how to impress me, Matthew.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroKillHorner03=You incorrigible flirt.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelect00=Allied forces. Prepare for battle.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelect01=The battle is about to begin. How exciting!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelectHorner00=You devilish rogue, Matthew. I knew you would find your way to me!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelectHorner01=Matthew! You never write, you never call... and here you are playing in the Nexus without me. I am hurt!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelectPlayer00=Oh, darling! You look ravishing! I must know, who does your hair?
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelectPlayer01=Alright, team let's get... Oh... Am I the announcer? No wonder my voice sounds strange.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelectPlayer02=Double the Mira, double the fun! (laugh)
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelect_Observer00=Are we just observing? Ugh... it's all so (searching for the word)impersonal like this.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSelect_Observer01=Place your bets! Who wins, red or blue?
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlain00=You have been defeated.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlain01=Live a little. Die a little. Go nuts!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlain02=Are you alright, darling?
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlain03=Hmm? Sorry, I wasn't looking. What happened?
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlain04=You're dead. Sorry about that.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlain05=That was very rude!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlain06=You're not letting them get away with that are you, darling?
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlainHorner00=No, don't die, Matthew!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlainHorner01=Take a break, husband. You've earned it!
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlainHorner02=I always knew you liked it rough.
VoiceOver/MiraA/HeroSlainHorner03=Oh, that brooding intensity. Stop or I will fall in love with you all over again.
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepDestroy00=Keep destroyed.
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepDestroy01=Their keep is no more!
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepDestroy02=Is anything as romantic as an exploding keep?
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepDestroy03=You are surprisingly good at that.
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepDestroy04=Ahahah! It's like a bomb just went off in my heart.
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepDestroy_Blue00=Blue team has lost a keep.
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepDestroy_Red00=Red team has lost a keep.
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepLost00=How dare they trash my beautiful keep!
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepLost01=A keep has been destroyed!
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepLost02=Keep lost! I repeat, keep lost!
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepLost03=Marauders, we've lost a keep.
VoiceOver/MiraA/KeepLost04=My keep! I will NEVER forgive them for this! Probably.
VoiceOver/MiraA/Kill_Observer00=Hero killed.
VoiceOver/MiraA/Kill_Observer01=Hero killed.
VoiceOver/MiraA/Kill_Observer02=Hero killed.
VoiceOver/MiraA/MegaKill00=Mega kill.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy00=Fort destroyed.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy01=Fort destruction complete.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy02=Another problem solved with explosives!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy04=Beautiful, isn't it?
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy05=Fort demolished! And with style!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy06=That fort never knew what hit it!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroyHorner00=No defenses can resist my Matthew. I know.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroyHorner01=Well done, husband. Fort obliterated!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy_Blue00=Blue team has lost a fort.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostDestroy_Red00=Red team has lost a fort.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLost00=Fort lost!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLost01=One of our forts has fallen.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLost02=Our fort! Hey, we needed that!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLost03=Our enemy is playing rough.
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLost04=Did they just destroy a fort? <angry exertion>
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLost05=We've lost a fort!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLost06=Hey, these forts are expensive, you know!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLostHorner00=Matthew! Do not let them destroy your forts!
VoiceOver/MiraA/OutpostLostHorner01=Your fort has been destroyed. Pay attention, husband.
VoiceOver/MiraA/PlayerAbandon00=A hero has abandoned the fight.
VoiceOver/MiraA/PlayerRejoin00=Welcome back hero. Now don't leave again.
VoiceOver/MiraA/Revive00=Ally revived.
VoiceOver/MiraA/Revive_Observer00=Hero revived.
VoiceOver/MiraA/SpreeEnd00=Killing spree over! So sorry!
VoiceOver/MiraA/SpreeEnd01=Your killing spree has ended as well.
VoiceOver/MiraA/SpreeEnd02=A shame. It was a good killing spree too.
VoiceOver/MiraA/SpreeEnd_Ally00=Your ally's killing spree is over.
VoiceOver/MiraA/SpreeMax00=Hero of the Storm!
VoiceOver/MiraA/SpreeStart00=Killing spree.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TalentUnlock00=Choose a talent.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TalentUnlock01=Choose a talent.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TalentUnlock02=Choose a talent.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TalentUnlock03=A hero of many talents, I see.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TalentUnlock04=Lovely. Another talent!
VoiceOver/MiraA/TeamKill00=Enemy team dominated.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TeamKill_Blue00=Blue team dominated.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TeamKill_Red00=Red team dominated.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TripleKill00=Triple kill.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TripleKill01=Triple kill.
VoiceOver/MiraA/TripleKill02=Triple kill.
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